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Nahum Jean-Louis

Welcome to the Quintessence Learning Blog!

Updated: Jul 16, 2023

The Quintessence Learning Blog is a monthly newsletter designed to keep abreast the organization's members and the public at large, of information relating to education. It also provides information about the company's current and future events.

About the Founder

My name is Nahum Jean-Louis, Ed. D., founder and CEO of Quintessence Learning. I received my doctorate in education from Nova Southeastern University (NSU), and I am specialized in curriculum and teaching. For nearly 15 years I have been teaching in different institutions around Florida. Currently, I work at Florida International University as a Success Coach and Faculty. My research focuses on diversity, equity, and inclusion. I am particularly interested on sharing my knowledge and experience to help create an education environment in which all students can progress and succeed. Through this blog, I wish to address important topics relating to education and how we can all contribute to make the learning environment more enjoyable and more enriching for both teachers and students.

Be part of the Endeavor

Expressing on the quintessential importance of education, John Dewey wrote: "Education is a social process; education is growth; education is not preparation for life but is life itself" (Dewey, My pedagogic creed, 1897). As we embark on this journey, I wish you join me and participate to make a reality the world we envision for our kids. Your comments, your suggestions, and your participation at whatever level it might will contribute a long way to help us achieve our goals.

Nahum Jean-Louis, Ed. D., founder and CEO of Quintessence Learning.


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